Celebrating Your Appreciative Heart

As each one of my three daughters comes home for the Thanksgiving vacation holiday, my heart expands and I am overcome by all of the amazing gifts that I have in my life. Of course, also on the top of my list of the gifts and blessings I have in my life is Debbie...

Are You Finally Fed Up With Being Fed Up?

The past few weeks I have had the privilege of working with two men who are known to be experts in their field. Both are known to “say it like they see it.” Although their messaging and manner might not resonate with everyone, they did with me. In fact,...

What Superhero Are You?

Halloween is a few weeks away and many of us are searching for that perfect costume. I am always fascinated to see the trends in Halloween costumes. I view them as a commentary on what is relevant in today’s society. This year, there is no question that as we...

No Regrets! (In Honor of Debbie Ford’s 60th Birthday)

As I sit writing this newsletter on Thursday October 1st, I am acutely aware that today is Debbie Ford’s birthday! When Debbie passed she asked that we celebrate her birthday every year, not the day of her transition. So just like I would spend time planning the...

The Precious Present

A few weeks ago, on my birthday, I woke up to a phone call from one of my closest friends. After she finished harmoniously serenading me with, “Happy Birthday!” she asked me, “What is the intention you want to set for your special day?” I...

Are You In Control Of Your Life?

Have you ever thought about what your driving force is? What keeps you trying to get to that next level? What keeps you from letting go even when you know something no longer serves your highest vision for your life? What keeps you trying to do things as you think...