A New Year’s Ritual
This is a tremendously powerful time of year — a time when the universe is moving all of us in an exciting and positive direction, a time when everyone, whether they know it or not, is looking to complete the past and move into a new future. 2020 offe … READ MORE
A Holiday Blessing
As we move toward the end of a remarkable year, you are in my thoughts and heart. In the midst of the busyness of the holiday season, I want to express my profound gratitude for you. To best express my appreciation, I offer you the blessing that Debbie … READ MORE
‘Tis The Season For Receiving
There is no doubt about it. December is the time of year that is synonymous with giving. Whether it is to family, friends, co-workers, charitable organizations, or the people who make our lives better, we all have our lists and are checking them twice! … READ MORE
A Gratitude Ritual
Have you ever noticed that the more you focus on being grateful, the more you have to be grateful for? It’s true. The more we practice counting our blessings, the more blessings we will find to count. And that is one of the beautiful things about grati … READ MORE
Turning The Tables on Turkey Day Trauma & Trepidation
Can you believe it’s almost Thanksgiving? What happened to Fall? Although the song says “Oh, there’s no place like home for the holidays,” the fact is that most of us experience a sense of dread as we envision our upcoming holiday gatherings and being … READ MORE
Marry Your Conscience
Have you heard about the studies that say we are a reflection of the five people that we spend the most time with? That’s right! We become most like the people we most like! When you look around your life, who or what do you see? Are there people who i … READ MORE
Are You Ready To Own Your Inner Superhero?
Halloween is almost here. Many of us have spent days planning and putting together the perfect costume. I am always fascinated to see the trends in Halloween costumes since I view them as a commentary on what is relevant in today’s society. This year, … READ MORE
Are You Finally Fed Up With Being Fed Up?
Are you… Sick of feeling stuck? Tired of talking about change that never seems to happen? Frustrated with feeling like you are never enough? Week after week I hear stories from people who just can’t seem to get out of their own way. They are still talk … READ MORE
Healing the Dis-ease of Entitlement
Lately I have been thinking a lot about the concept of entitlement — that feeling so many of us have that we are owed something, that we have rights or deserve something to be the way we think it should be. Think of the times you have thought or had s … READ MORE
Life Can Be Easy – The Choice is Yours!
Do you remember when one of the big office supply stores developed the big red “Easy” button as a reminder to “keep things easy at work”? Years ago, one of my fellow staff members at The Ford Institute started bringing a big red “Easy” button to all of … READ MORE
Tips For Overcoming Overcommitment & Overwhelm
Do you get anxious thinking about your “to-do” list? Do you constantly wonder how you’re going to possibly get everything done? Are you exhausted, feeling it’s your job to take care of everyone and everything? The other day I was talking to a group of … READ MORE